Me Sahyadri |
February 2016 |
Volume 3, number 3 |
Please use minimum 1280 pixel horizontal screen resolution for viewing. Please be patient while all the images in webpage are loaded. Please do not use the images for any commercial use without permission. Text in Marathi and English is not exact translation. Please give sufficient time to allow the photographs to load. Special thanks to all those who helped me during the compilation and for the help and guidance during the activity. |
देशाची आर्थिक प्रगती व्हावी असे सर्व नागरिकांना वाटणे सहाजिक आहे. अर्थकारणामुळे मिळणारा रोजगार, समृद्धी यासाठी सर्वांनाच आर्थिक प्रगती हवी हवीशी वाटते. आर्थिक प्रगती होताना, त्याचा दिर्घकाळात समाजावर, निसर्गावर, वातावरणावर दुष्परिणाम होणार नाही याची काळजी घेणे महत्वाचे आहे. मनुष्याच्या भावी पिढ्यांना पाणी, शुद्ध हवा, योग्य वातावरण मिळत रहावे अशी भावना मनात रुजणे महत्वाचे आहे. वाढत्या आर्थिक प्रगतीमुळे नैसर्गिक संपदेवर ताण येतो. प्रगतीसाठी प्रदुषण होते. जंगले, माळराने, व इतर अधिवास नष्ट होतात. वसुंधरेवर रहाणाऱ्या इतर जीवांचा मात्र मनुष्य फारसा विचार करत नाही. आर्थिक प्रगती करताना, मनुष्य निसर्गाची हानी करत आहे. मुळताच माणसाला निसर्गाचे महत्व समजणे हे सध्याच्या आपल्या प्रगत जीवनशैली मुळे अवघड झाले आहे. आर्थिक प्रगती, समाजाची प्रगती व निसर्ग संपदेची निगा, यांचा समतोल राखणे काळाची गरज आहे.
सह्याद्री (पश्चिम घाट) हा एक नैसर्गिक संपदेचा, वैविध्यतेचा, भौगोलिक व ऐतिहासिक ठेवा आहे. वाढत्या मानवी अतिक्रमणाचा, सह्याद्रीच्या विविध घटकांवर होणारा दुष्परिणाम भविष्यात आपल्यालाच धोका निर्माण करेल, यात शंका नाही. शुद्ध पाणी, हवा व उर्जा, भावी पिढीला मिळण्यासाठी, नंद्यांचे उगम असलेला सह्याद्री व त्याभागातील जंगले टिकवणे महत्वाचे आहे. सह्याद्रीच्या महत्वाच्या घटकांचे महत्व छायाचित्रांद्वारे प्रकट करण्याचा मी येथे प्रयत्न केला आहे. येथील पक्षी, प्राणी, वनस्पती, अधिवास, किल्ले व लेणी अशा विविध विषयांबद्दल आपण समजुन घेऊ.
As the economic development has taken the center stage, the balance between the environmental sustenance and socio economic development will be under the scanner. As most experts with balanced views have proclaimed, Indian wildlife and ecological system sustenance will be under threat, unless precautions are taken with the help of appropriate research and long term national interests. As we encounter the economic development, many habitats which indirectly or directly help sustainable development will be damaged. The awareness to gauge the success by sustainable development and not by year to year growth is a distant dream any environmentalist will assume in current scenario.
Western ghats, or Sahyadri as we all call it as, is a treasure trove of spectacular landscapes, biodiversity, flora, fauna, some amazing geological wonders and man made monuments. With the increasing pressure from human encroachment, all these elements are under stress and in turn are under depletion. Western ghats should be left untouched by human beings, to protect their future generations from getting short of resources, such as water, energy and clean air. The important elements of western ghats, which need protection are highlighted in the new version of Photo journal, Me Sahyadri Magazine. The current issue has few of the photographs showing the outer details on Bhuleshwar Temple near Pune.

Me Sahyadri – February 2016
The banner has been published here to improve the awareness of the trekkers and tourists visiting the various mountain forts, mountains in north western ghats. Please avoid accidents, by following good outdoor ethics such as no swimming in cisterns at mountain forts, no rock climbing without proper technical equipment and expertise. Please do not adventure, trek with any group or individually without understanding the risks associated. The frequency of the solo trekker fatalities have increased recently. Please strictly avoid solo treks. Please also avoid treks to mountains in large commercial groups, as it leads to damage to biodiversity of these high elevation ecological islands. Please respect the wildlife and biodiversity of the region. This has become more important as the ever increasing human interference is leading to severe damage to fragile ecosystems. Please be aware of the wildlife and biodiversity of the mountains before visiting these mountains. Please follow outdoor ethics. Follow ASI and Forest department rules. The concept of use of symbols for outdoor ethics was conceived and designed by "Sahyadri Trekker Bloggers Group". |
1. Bhuleshwar Temple, Pune district, India |
2. Bhuleshwar Temple, Pune district, India |
3. Bhuleshwar Temple, Pune district, India |
4. Bhuleshwar Temple, Pune district, India |

5. Bhuleshwar Temple, Pune district, India |

6. Bhuleshwar Temple, Pune district, India |
7. Bhuleshwar Temple, Pune district, India |

8. Bhuleshwar Temple, Pune district, India |

9. Bhuleshwar Temple, Pune district, India |

10. Bhuleshwar Temple, Pune district, India |
11. Bhuleshwar Temple, Pune district, India |

12. Bhuleshwar Temple, Pune district, India |

13 Bhuleshwar Temple, Pune district, India |

14. Bhuleshwar Temple, Pune district, India |

15. Bhuleshwar Temple, Pune district, India |

16. Bhuleshwar Temple, Pune district, India |

17. Bhuleshwar Temple, Pune district, India |

18. Bhuleshwar Temple, Pune district, India |

19. Bhuleshwar Temple, Pune district, India |

20. Bhuleshwar Temple, Pune district, India |

21. Bhuleshwar Temple, Pune district, India |

22. Bhuleshwar Temple, Pune district, India |

23. Bhuleshwar Temple, Pune district, India |

24. Bhuleshwar Temple, Pune district, India |

25. Bhuleshwar Temple, Pune district, India |

26. Bhuleshwar Temple, Pune district, India |

27. Bhuleshwar Temple, Pune district, India |

28. Bhuleshwar Temple, Pune district, India |

29. Bhuleshwar Temple, Pune district, India |

30. Bhuleshwar Temple, Pune district, India |
31. Bhuleshwar Temple, Pune district, India |
32. Bhuleshwar Temple, Pune district, India |
33. Bhuleshwar Temple, Pune district, India |
34. Bhuleshwar Temple, Pune district, India |
35. Bhuleshwar Temple, Pune district, India |
36. Bhuleshwar Temple, Pune district, India |
37. Bhuleshwar Temple, Pune district, India |
38. Bhuleshwar Temple, Pune district, India |
39. Bhuleshwar temple, Pune district, Maharashtra, India |
40. Bhuleshwar temple, Pune district, Maharashtra, India |
41. Bhuleshwar temple, Pune district, Maharashtra, India |
42. Bhuleshwar temple, Pune district, Maharashtra, India |